The show starts with Ben's relief due to not having to manage hockey viewing and other schedule conflicts. The guys talk about the rising success of a vegan meat company and the challenges going from a concept to a growing business. Don and Ben then chat about the milkshake/ice cream machine hacking and issues related to safety and food safety. They talk about people talking about them talking about Daily Harvest being linked to illnesses in 2021. The guys go on to discuss an outbreak of pathogenic E. coli that was linked to raw milk cheese in the UK as well as Ben's holiday food safety conversations with his Canadian family. The show ends on a deep dive into a high school cafeteria outbreak in Illinois that may or may not have been linked to a food handler.
Show notes so you can follow along at home:
The McDonald’s Ice Cream Machine Hacking Saga Has a New Twist | WIRED
Listeria monocytogenes in the retail deli environment: A review - ScienceDirect
Andrew Cruickshank, Author at Canadian Business – How to Do Business Better
Health department report traces E. coli outbreak at Huntley High School to food handler