Don and Ben are back in the same time zone and talk a lot about cantaloupe. The episode starts off with a bit of nerdy discussion about Apple products and upgrading to iOS 5. But then the guys talk about food safety, outbreak investigations, social media and messaging. The podcast is available here.
- The muse who Don spoke with.
- Food safety's Weird Al, Carl Winter.
- The band that Ben suggests stringing 6 seconds of multiple songs together for the bump.
- FDA's report of finding one of the three outbreak strains at Jensen Farms.
- Like Bryan Adams, Celine Dion and Alan Thicke - Canada has brought the world notable things, including Listeria in fresh produce.
- Our good friend, who has said that sheep are used as weed control between crops.
- What hydrocooler might look like.
- Listeria dose/response in RTE foods.
- What a cantaloupe encrusted with animal feces might look like.
- The Finnish butter outbreak.
- High fat in chocolate and peanut products has a protective effect on Salmonella.
- Don and Michelle's pathogenic E. coli in leafy greens modelling work.
- A YouTube video of a cantaloupe packing line with the worlds greatest music
- Importance of having chlorine in your wash water when processing leafy greens.
- Absolutely, positively, Listeria-free cantaloupes on sale in Carborro, NC.
- Zach Braff's shining moment, Garden State.
- Edmonton's (which is on the outskirts of Canada) greatest time.
- Don's Skype interview where he was referred to as Canadian.
- Is a consumer really just a consumer?
- Einstein's advice: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler"
- Don on NPR.
- Food safety's small group (IAFP's membership is around 3000).
- Our at least one listener.
- Nerdy app that Ben likes and Don doesn't.
- The competition that swamped Ben and Don with food safety questions from keen high school kids.
- A really nerdy thing Ben participated in high school, and loved it.
- The movie that Ben loved and felt that was the best social marketing for handwashing (that bordered on propaganda).
- The agency that Ben feels does the best job of telling folks what they do.
- Our friend who thinks Ben works at CDC.